Friday, September 23, 2011

What's up with Palestine?

 It is a very tense time in the Middle East right now. As each speech at the United Nations conference in New York City is delivered, Jews and Palestinians from all over the world look on in wonder. 6,000 years of conflict is basically being boiled down to one question. Will Palestine become as state?
 Over the past few days, I have been analyzing the media coverage on the bid for a Palestinian state in my David Project Class. The David Project is an initiation to educate people about the State of Israel, and teaches students how to be activists. Our talented teacher Zev is a Middle East analyst, and has been giving us updates and showing us clips on the bid for Palestine.
Here is what I’ve seen from the three speeches given by Netanyahu, Obama, and Abbas:;_ylt=Ajz3ovw_1vSCc6w6PaNlKays0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTNsMGMyNmpmBG1pdANUb3BTdG9yeSBGUARwa2cDMTg1ZWFmMzktZDk0MS0zZmY5LWJmNTAtOTdkZmQ1YWI0Njk4BHBvcwMxBHNlYwN0b3Bfc3RvcnkEdmVyAzg0NzE4NmUwLWU2MTEtMTFlMC1hNzdhLWRhZmZhYmViMWQyNw--;_ylg=X3oDMTFvdnRqYzJoBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdANob21lBHB0A3NlY3Rpb25zBHRlc3QD;_ylv=3
Netanyahu: Let me first say that no one wants peace more than Israel. Prime Minister Netanyahu’s goal is for peace, and he wishes to achieve this goal by negotiating with the Palestinian Authority. In Netanyahu’s speech in New York City, he stated, "The truth is that Israel wants peace, the truth is that I want peace”.

Along with Netanyahu, I believe a two state solution could accomplish this common goal, however the current UN Palestine bid is not a legitimate way to create a country or to achieve peace. Bibi goes on to say, “We cannot achieve peace through U.N. resolutions."

Grade: B+

Obama: When I first saw Obama’s speech in class, I almost cried from a mix of relief and American pride. I have always known that Obama has been very pro-Israel, and have misunderstood the wide criticism given by both Jews and non-Jews towards Obama’s views. With the exception of the settlement frieze that Obama orchestrated, and the terrible “lets go back to 1967 borders speech” (which he later clarified at an AIPAC conference), Obama is loving Israel is still the man straight up G. His idea of having mutually agreed swaps to create two states is a solid one. In one of the most pro-Israel speeches ever given by an American president, Obama solidified America’s support for Israel, and declared that Palestine’s bid for a state is not a cohesive solution for either the Israeli or Palestinian people. Obama is a realist, who knows that an end to this issue must be solved by continued negoteations, not by passing a premature United Nations bid for sovereignty. Great work Barack keep it up.

The Highlights:
“Ultimately, it is Israelis and Palestinians who must live side by side. Ultimately, it is Israelis and Palestinians – not us – who must reach agreement on the issues that divide them: on borders and security; on refugees and Jerusalem.”

Peace, he said, “depends upon compromise among peoples who must live together long after our speeches are over, and our votes have been counted.”

Grade: A

 Abbas: Abbas was by far the most intense and hilarious speaker of the three. Many people actually walked out during his speech. He claimed that Israel was unable to negotiate with Palestine, and waived his UN application like a victory flag.

Highlights: “This is a copy of the application!”

Grade: Incomplete

In my opinion, the people of Palestine deserve a Palestinian state just as the Jewish people deserve a Jewish state. However, the current PA campaign will not create a peaceful, safe, strong, or successful Palestine.

 Hopefully in the next few days and weeks we will see little violence. My counselor Yehudeet has a top-secret job in the IDF, and was called back to the Army two nights ago. It would be amazing if I were in Israel to experience the end of a 6,000 year old conflict, but it seems doubtful. Who knows, after all this is Israel: anything could happen.

And on a lighter note, Jon Stewart’s take on the current situation.

Gotta love the face. 

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