Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Peace Forest

On a hot summer afternoon I took off on a run, excited to get outside after a long academic day. I planned on going to a small park in Talpiot which is next to Bakah, but on the way spotted a sign that read "Peace Forest" in three different languages. In the dirty, bustling, and holly city of Jerusalem, a peaceful forest could not have sounded better. I followed the sign for about two blocks, and found myself at a familiar but also surprising place...I have stood at the top of Derech Chevron street in Talpoit many times, and have ewd and aahd with other tourist groups at the breathtaking panoramic view of Jerusalem. Never did I think it possible to go down into the beautiful valley that separates the old city from it's suburbs.

The Peace Forest is a giant sloping valley with one main walking trail, fountains, benches, Arab and Israeli homes, and plenty of sheep and donkey trails. I wasted no time descending down one of the donkey trails, running towards east jerusalem with the border wall shinning off in the distance. It was great to be in such a rural and open place so close to my home.

 On the way back to my campus I ran through the park, which is a completely different side of Jerusalem. Instead of donkey droppings and farmers, I passed families playing soccer, and a pack of young girls who meowed at me when I ran by. You never know what's is in your back yard until you throw on a pair of running shoes and start exploring.

    Na'aleh 2010 enjoying the view.

Play time...

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