Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Craziest weekend of our lives part 2

 We awoke the next day to loud Arabic yelling, and turned over on our sides to find a fifteen person Arab family making camp next to us. It was around 7:00 a.m., so we decided to pack up camp and head to the trailhead. Danny and Hershel (who went to private school and Yishiva) were particularly nervous about the large Arab-Israeli family next to them. Jacob and I, (who went to public school and are now exploring Israel and the world), did not feel threatened. This sparked a great convo about racism, tolerance, and the Arab-Israeli conflict.
 We reached our hike, which was named the nachal arugot, and within ten minutes had found our first cliff jump. Nachal Arugot is a beautiful hike, which winds in and out of river canyon. Our first jump was about ten feet, and Danny started us off with some fearless leaps. We spent the day climbing, swimming, canyonering, arguing, jumping, and sunbathing.

 After a solid eight hours in the sun, we headed to Ein Gedi Kibbutz for a swim in their outdoor pool. On the way we suffered our first casualty. Hershman was only twenty minutes form the kibbutz, when he stepped in a pot hole and re-sprained his ankle. Dr. Lebowitz had to perform sports medicine on the side of road, which was very entertaining.

 We caught a packed bus back to Jerusalem, and readied ourselves for a week of classes and blah blah blah. This was a great trip, and showed us a diverse side of Israel both ethnically and geographically. Good-bye dessert, here we come Tel Aviv!! 

    King Kong aint got shit on me!



    Much better than college...

  Front flip

  Dr. Lebowitz on scene

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