Tuesday, September 13, 2011

It's Shuk Time

Shuks are the best things that have happened to Israel since the invention of the Uzi. A Shuk is an open market with fresh foods, cheap deals, counterfeit clothing shops, and tons of people. To really experience a Shuk and to find the best deals, one must go alone, dress like an Israeli, and try everything that meets the eye.

The first Shuk I went to is called Machneh Yehuda, which is the largest Shuk in Jerusalem. I spent about an hour and a half there, bargaining and tasting food. Here are some things I learned about making a deal in an open market.

1. Try everything (the vendor will almost always let you taste something.)
2. Dress like an Israeli
3. Name your price first, and the go up from there.
4. Don't be afraid to leave the deal and come back.
5. Don't ask if they speak English, because they all do.
6. Don't ask to try anything, because they will put it in a box for you and ring it up.
7. Assume that all Israeli's are jerks and are trying to rip you off. If they are nice it will be a pleasent surprise.
8. Dress like in Israeli

 At the end of the day I had only spent 100 shek, and had gotten some amazing items such, as pesto, wassabi beans, mango, gourmet cream cheese, and guacamole. Farmer's Markets will never compare!

Lots of Gourmet cream cheese.
 Dog store. Picture dedication to my dog Malibu.

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