Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Search For The Best Falafel Ball Is On

The old city is officially underrated for it's falafel. I have walked by the arab vendor that sells bread by the entrance to the Jaffa gate many times, but have never noticed the massive falafel balls being sold for 5 shekel. Although this was a little bit pricey for a f-ball, it was well worth it. The giant falafel was spicy and warm, and did not taste at all like Israeli falafel.

 Next we went to the Arab Shuk, which is forbidden to go to by most high school summer programs, birthright, yeshivot blah, blah. The Arab Shuk is extremely safe and is much quitter than Machneh Yehudah. The Arab vendors aren't as sharp as those I battled at Machneh Yehuda, and fell easily to my aggressive bargaining skills. I convinced a vendor to give me an old painting of Jerusalem for four shekel, bought a cafia for 10 instead of 20 shekels, and found some great falafel spice.

 At the end of the Arab Shuk, there is a long corridor that spills out to the Jewish quarter with a few food stalls. It is here that I tasted the best falafel balls of my life. The Arab kid who makes these falafel balls, throws them into a huge vat of oil, and watches over them intensely. He then picks only the best to put in the pita. The falafel I had, had a focus on the f-balls and not the hummus, which is different then the standard Israeli falafel. It was spicy and crispy on the outside, with a warm soft interior. It was amazing. Best falafel stand as of now goes to the Arab Shuk!

Some nice looking balls
 Get in my belly!

                                     The entrance to the forbidden Shuk

                                     Saruds and drums

      The master chef himself. This stand also sold brains and kidneys. Yum

Victorious. Jacob, Alex, Georgey, and I.

1 comment:

  1. The gluten free falafel is going to beat the Arab Shuk falafel. Just you wait.

    P.S. Sweet shades!
