Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What is this the last day of camp or something?

  I really don’t want to leave here. I love the kids, I love the Village, and I love being in a culture completely different than mine. In the past few days I have experienced a change. Until know I have always felt comfortable at Agahozo-Shalom, but over the weekend, I realized how accepted and liked I am here. I am greeted with a “hi Arexi” by people I have never seen before, I help with the dishes, and feel at home with my family.  This sense of belonging is mainly thanks to my family of sixteen boys, known as the Robert Baden Powell Family. I have been hanging out with them a lot all month; they are a great group.
I am sad to leave, but this month has been one of the best of my life, and this trip far more meaningful than I ever expected. I have been inspired in so many ways.  I know I will be back one day.

 Here is a letter the letter I wrote to my family.

Dear Robert Baden Powell Family,
What an amazing past month it has had been. We have had so many fun times together, playing games at family time, winning the football match against King David family, singing songs, playing guitar, taking photos, and eating meals.
 Robert Powell is a very special family. You are all very good friends, and are kind to each other. The feeling in the house is fun and goofy, but can also be serious during family time. When I come in the house to hang out, everyone is always very nice to me. Each and every member of the Robert Powell family is a special and amazing person. Do not forget that.
 I have enjoyed my time at Agahozo-Shalom more than I ever thought I would, thanks to this family. My friends, you have inspired me in many ways. For example, your study habits make me excited for my next year in University, your love for music and singing makes me want to study guitar, and the brotherhood you have created reminds me of my family at home, and my job as a camp counselor last summer.

  Thank you boys of Robert Powell. Good luck in the next two years at Agahozo-Shalom, and wherever life may take you. Never forget the values and friendships you have made here.

 Your Friend,

 Alex Lyon

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