Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Trip to Gisenyi

Yesterday we went to Gisenyi, which is a lakeside town in the Eastern Providence of Rwanda. It was a four hour drive, but when we got there it was well worth it. We pulled up to lake Kivu, a large lake filled with Methane gas, which borders the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Rwanda. It’s also home to Rwanda’s only brewery, which brews a great bear called Primus. The lake is simply beautiful, with small islands and tropical trees. The Methane gas in the lake is used to power the entire city. We were all excited to go for a swim, and were allowed to thanks to the Methane gas, which kills all the little parasites that ruin people’s lives. Think the Dead Sea. There are minimal things living in this lake. I went for a nice hour-long swim, hugging the side of the lake and exploring the nice houses.

Lunch took about one hour to be served. This is just how it is in Rwanda; things happen slowly. For example, a few people ordered chicken and rabbit, which means those animals need to be slaughtered, which takes some time.

At night we went out to a bar on the beach, which was a ton of fun despite the one drink per person Year Course decree.

 In the morning we went to a crazy market, that literally consisted of mangos, small fish, clothes, and 200 people just standing around. I kept my bag close to me.

Well it’s great to be back at the Village now. We leave one week from tomorrow :(

Chillin lake side...
 The Dead Sea of Rwanda


 Hawaii look alike?

   Some local fisherman

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