Sunday, March 18, 2012

Purim party week and Vicky comes to Israel.

Aaaaaand I’m back in Israel. So much has gone down since I got back from Rwanda. Firstly, Vicky Lyon came to Israel to visit me, celebrate Purim, and go hiking in the North. And that is exactly what we did. It was great to have her here, especially after just being at Agohozo Shalom, where most kids don’t have mothers. Here are some highlights from the past few weeks.

Purim: Simply  a better version of Holloween. I mean I was stunned by the spirit and dedication Israel showed in the days before and after purim. People were dressed up in crazy costumes during all times of the day, plus the parties were pretty crazy. Section one put on a flashmob in the Bat Yam mall, which was a huge success.

Scout trip to the North: During our semester in Bat Yam, we were privileged to live with fifteen or so Israeli scouts, who are taking a year before the army to volunteer. My roommate Shoam was the best scout ever, and I know I will come visit him in Israel for years to come. In our final week of Bat Yam, we all went to Kibbutz Levi in the North, and then to the Kineret. My mom came along and absolutely loved it.

IDC Herliya: We went this awesome private University to hear about programs after Year Course. There were some pretty cool speakers and programs, including an army program called Garin Tsabar, which brings together young foreigners who have just moved to Israel to live on a kibbutz together and complete their army service. Sounds like a great experience.
Moving to Kibbutz: I moved to Kibbutz Keturah near Eilat. It’s pretty awesome there. It’s basically like being at camp…

 Well I’m off for a seven-day trip to Poland, to learn about the holocaust, and the Jewish life that used to thrive there. It will definitely be a tough week. Hopefully this trip will give me new perspective, and will solidify the importance of Israel and Judaism.
Can’t believe Year Course is almost over! In a few months I will go back to Camp and then to the University of Massachusetts, where I will have to write long papers and will have to deal with my parents. Or I could just make Aliyah….

 Thanks for reading


 My mom and I on a hike near the Kineret.

 The sunset in a place called Olga.
 Tandem bike in Tel Aviv.
A hedge Hog we found in the Desert.

Welcoming to a slow town in the beautiful Negev desert: Arad. Katz and I on a Shabbas walk.
Purim Flash Mob in the mall.

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