Monday, January 23, 2012

Urgent: If you are in Israel right now go to Hummus Hakarmel immedietly

In the middle of Shuk Hacarmel in Tel Aviv, there once stood a Synagogue. In order to praise god in the tastiest way possible, that Synagogue has been converted into a Hummus restaurant. If hummus was served at every temple I would be there three times a day! Jacob Gilbert and I went in to check it out, and found an old Torah on the wall, as well as two friendly shop owners. Not only was the Hummus fresh and amazing, but they gave us this amazing chickpea soup, with beans and an egg. It was literally a hot hummus soup=party in our mouths. We barely even touched our pita, and ate the incredible dish with our hands, getting hummus all over our faces and clothes. Okay, we did use forks, but the point is the dish was so good we didn’t need bread it. It was literally a gift from the Hummus gods!

   My prayers have been answered


So much Hummus...

 About one minute later...

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