Saturday, October 22, 2011

Gilad Shalit Returns Home!

 Gilad Shalit is finally home after six long years in captivity.

 I was able to see every stage of Gilad's release live. I was volunteering at an old age home in the morning, when I first saw the sixteen-year-old looking Gilad being escorted through Egypt. Every Israeli in the room was crying. The news kept switching between Gilad and the celebration of terrorists being released.

Here in Israel, there are many opinions on the deal. About 70% of Israelis support Prime Minister Netanyahu’s decision, with 30% opposing it. Many Israeli’s have known someone or had a family member murdered in a terrorist attack, making the Shalit deal an emotional and heart wrenching time for them.

  I finally understood the reasoning behind the trade, when I heard Netanyahu deliver his speech. It was one of the best speeches I have ever heard. Bibi justified to the world and Israel why he personally chose to go through with the trade, and why it was so essential. He explained that if the trade had not happened, Gilad would have been lost forever. He promised to keep the terrorists under strict surveillance, and stated that if he or she returns to terrorism, “his blood Is upon his head”. Most importantly, he concluded with how important human life is, stating that Israel sanctifies life.

 Walking down Emek Refaim on the night of Gilad’s release, there were signs everywhere with "welcome home Gilad". There were also fireworks.
Gilad’s release comes with a heavy price, but it is clear that the country is okay with it. As Jews we value human life, and will do everything possible to save even one person.

Soulfarm dedicated their concert to Gilad

PM Netanyahu, Gilad Shalit, Noam Shalit

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